Join us in Waltham, MA for our roadshow

Cork’s In-Person Roadshow

Tuesday, July 23rd – 6:00pm – 8:00pm ET
Il Capriccio – 704 Main Street, Waltham MA 02451

Join the alliance

Answer the hero’s call and find out how you can provide your clients the cyber warranty designed to protect against rising cyber crimes. 

On July 23rd, we will show you who Cork is and how we are here to help you grow and prosper.  Sign up below and reserve your spot now.


  • The Cork team sharing the new massive untapped opportunity for you, the MSP community
  • See how Cork’s approach to cyber risk delivers enterprise-grade insights built for MSPs
  • Learn how Cork provides additional assurance to your clients

Cork’s In-Person Roadshow Event

Tuesday, June 23rd – 6:00pm – 8:00pm ET
Waltham, Massachusetts

Sign up today to reserve your spot

In order for us to deliver a more personalized and productive session, we’d like to ask the follow questions

Who is Cork?

Cork is the first cyber warranty platform for MSPs combining enterprise-grade cyber risk intelligence with financial coverage.

Real risk, real concerns:

  • Have you deployed the best possible tech stack and is your left-of-boom security posture as strong as it can be?
  • Do your clients have enough financial coverage to survive a cyber attack?

  • Is a cyber insurer going to pay your client’s claim quickly, if at all?

We can proudly say, with Cork, your answer is “Yes”!

Cork is the first cyber warranty platform for MSPs combining  enterprise-grade cyber risk intelligence with financial coverage – accessible in minutes with your existing tech stack, designed to add revenue from day 1, all without painful questionnaires or claims processes.

Over 400 MSPs partners have already joined, reserve your spot today and see how we can serve you.