We're a wild bunch of cyber experts

With a goal to elevate MSPs

Cork was founded on the idea cyber insurance has long been put in the hands of the wrong person, the customer.  It is the MSP who is on the front line dealing with breaches and attacks and they should be handling the process of recovery.

By developing Cork, we put the MSP back in the driver seat.  We work hand in hand with our partners to ensure they not only have the financial coverage in the event of an attack, but can even stay ahead of it with our intelligent monitoring system.

We’re here for you, our partners.

Jon McNeill
Austin McChord
Rob Rae

Let's go boss mode

Our founders, deeply committed to the success of MSPs, are driven to redefine cybersecurity and financial protection for SMBs. Their extensive expertise has shaped Cork into a proactive, partner-focused solution, empowering MSPs to confidently safeguard their clients.

Jon McNeill

Jon McNeill

CEO & Co-Founder
DVx Ventures
Austin McChord

Austin McChord

Managing Director
Outsiders Fund
Ian Sheridan

Ian Sheridan

Managing Partner
& Co-Founder
Vestigo Ventures
Chris Hutton

Chris Hutton

DVx Ventures
Carlson Choi

Carlson Choi


Say hello to our advisors

Say hello to our advisors: Our advisors, experts in cybersecurity and business strategy, provide pivotal insights that drive Cork’s innovative approach. Their guidance ensures our solutions are robust, relevant, and effective in empowering MSPs and enhancing their services to clients.

Aidan Kehoe

Aidan Kehoe

Founder & CEO
Eric Harnden

Eric Harnden

NEXT Insurance
Frazer Anderson

Frazer Anderson

Vestigo Ventures
Max Feldman

Max Feldman

Head of Risk
Urvish Badiani

Urvish Badiani

Channel Chief
Paul Riedl Jr.

Paul Riedl Jr.

River Run
Rob Rae

Rob Rae

Corporate Vice President of Community and Ecosystems
Ryan Weeks

Ryan Weeks

Partner & Content Advisor
Right of Boom LLC
Steve Hauck

Steve Hauck

NEXT Insurance
Trevor Chong

Trevor Chong

Sid R. Bass Associates