Cork Partner Success Stories

How Greenlight Information Services Enhanced Cybersecurity and Client Trust with Cork

Jason Makevich, Founder and CEO of Greenlight Information Services, recently shared his success story during a Cork webinar. Greenlight Information Services, an MSP specializing in cybersecurity and information risk management, has significantly benefited from integrating Cork’s cyber warranty and monitoring platform into their service offerings.

Reluctance to Cork

Challenges and Initial Skepticism

Greenlight Information Services faced the challenge of providing comprehensive cybersecurity solutions while ensuring financial protection and compliance. Jason Makevich was initially skeptical about Cork’s offerings, questioning their value compared to existing solutions. The need for a robust, integrated platform that could enhance their cybersecurity services and provide additional financial safeguards for their clients was evident.

Seamless Integration and Proactive Measures

Introduced to Cork by a colleague, Jason’s skepticism turned into advocacy after attending a detailed lunch and learn session hosted by Cork. The session showcased Cork’s capabilities and its potential to transform Greenlight’s service offerings.

“At first, I was skeptical about Cork. It just sounded like another tool. But after the lunch and learn, I saw its true potential. It’s worth every penny,” Jason shared.

Greenlight Information Services integrated Cork’s inside-out monitoring platform seamlessly with their existing systems. This integration allowed Jason and his team to monitor client systems in real-time, identify vulnerabilities, and take proactive measures to enhance security hygiene.

“Cork’s proactive alerts have been invaluable. They enable us to take immediate action, ensuring our clients’ systems are secure and up-to-date,” said Jason.

Happy people looking at screen.

Enhanced Client Conversations and Financial Benefits

Cork’s warranty provided an added layer of financial protection, covering deductibles and smaller incidents that might not warrant a claim to the insurance carrier. This feature enabled quicker access to funds, reducing financial strain on clients and allowing Greenlight to offer a comprehensive risk management solution.

“Cork helps us ensure compliance and provides financial protection, making it a comprehensive solution,” Jason noted.

Greenlight Information Services almost mandates their clients have cyber insurance, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive coverage. They involve themselves in clients’ insurance conversations to ensure sufficient and appropriate policies are in place.

“We are sticklers about having the right insurance policies. Cork enables us to have those critical conversations with business leadership, expanding the discussion beyond cybersecurity to overall risk management,” Jason stated.

Integrating Cork’s Solutions

Clear Value Proposition and Client Education

Jason explained that offering Cork’s warranty as part of their managed services allowed Greenlight Information Services to differentiate their value proposition clearly. By educating clients on the comprehensive protection Cork provides, Jason and his team could highlight the additional financial safeguards and proactive monitoring that come with the warranty.

“We focus on educating our clients about the real-world benefits of Cork’s warranty. We explain how it covers deductibles and smaller incidents quickly, which traditional insurance might not handle efficiently. This transparency builds trust and showcases the added value we bring,” Jason explained.

Easy Sales Conversations

The clear differentiation and value proposition made the sales conversations straightforward. Clients appreciated the transparency and additional protection, making it an easy sell.

“The value to our clients was immediately apparent. It’s one of the easiest sales conversations I’ve had,” Jason noted. “By showing them the tangible benefits and how it integrates seamlessly with their existing cybersecurity measures, they quickly understand the importance and value of Cork’s solution.”

Greenlight offers Cork’s warranty as part of their managed services allowing Greenlight Information Services to differentiate their value proposition clearly. Clients appreciated the transparency and additional protection, making it an easy sell.

Team looking over a team

Key Results:


Enhanced Compliance and Risk Management:

By utilizing Cork, Greenlight could review and enhance clients’ cyber liability policies, ensuring adequate coverage and compliance. This proactive approach solidified their position as trusted advisors rather than mere service providers.


Building Long-Term Relationships:

Leveraging Cork’s solutions, Greenlight Information Services not only protected their clients but also built long-term, trust-based relationships. Clients viewed them as integral parts of their IT departments, fostering loyalty and continuous engagement.



Jason Makevich’s partnership with Cork has been a transformative journey for Greenlight Information Services. By integrating Cork’s cyber warranty and monitoring platform, they enhanced their service offerings, ensured robust client protection, and achieved significant business growth. For MSPs seeking to elevate their cybersecurity services, Greenlight Information Services’ success story with Cork serves as an inspiring example.

What impressed me most about Cork is the seamless integration with our existing systems. Cork’s proactive alerts have been invaluable, enabling us to take immediate action and ensure our clients’ systems are always secure. The inside-out monitoring and warranty provide comprehensive protection, making it a no-brainer for any MSP looking to enhance their cybersecurity services.

Jason Makevich, Founder and CEO of Greenlight Information Services

Conclusion: Tranformation to Significant Business Growth

Jason Makevich’s partnership with Cork has been a transformative journey for Greenlight Information Services. By integrating Cork’s cyber warranty and monitoring platform, they enhanced their service offerings, ensured robust client protection, and achieved significant business growth. For MSPs seeking to elevate their cybersecurity services, Greenlight Information Services’ success story with Cork serves as an inspiring example.

Click below to learn how Cork’s Cyber Warranty can elevate your cybersecurity solution stack and enable you to add more value for your clients.